Unit 1
Fundamentals of Programming

Assembly Code

Event Procedure - procedure which is run when a certain event is triggered by the user

Scope - refers to the range of statements for which a variable (or procedure is valid). A variable doesn't exist outside its scope


Actual parameter - parameter passed to the procedure or function

Formal parameter - parameter which appears in the procedure or function

Passing by value - a copy of the variable is used and is discarded when the subprogram exits

Passing by reference - the memory location of the data is issued and the changes made to the subprogram affect the variable permanently


List - 1D array, dynamic, infers order

Table - 2D array, dynamic, rows and columns

Stack - a LIFO list, dynamic, implemented with an array, can be empty or full

Queue - a FIFO list, dynamic, implemented with an array

Linear queue - queue works in a line

Tree - dynamic data structure, consists of data items and pointers

Linked list - dynamic structure, similar to normal list, pointers rather than physical position used to point to next item in list

Traversing - looking through a set of data and processing it in some way

Overflow - if you try to add to stack or queue which is already full

Underflow - if you try to remove an item from an empty queue or stack

Standard Modules

Trace - to show state of variables as work through algorithm instruction by instruction

Binary Search